Build your own Cosiflor pleated blind FS1 / FS2 Build your own Cosiflor pleated blind FS1 / FS2
Fabric Selector
Please note that properties for fabric presented below include the properties of the fabric itself, this means for example that: "100% blackout" means: that the fabric itself does not let any light through at all but it does not mean that the finished product itself guarantees 100% blackout .
Please note that pleated variants in this section can not be ordered with Duette / Honeycomb fabrics (HC1-HC2-HC3)
Product types & Dimensions
Number of wanted pleated blins special shapes FS1 FS2 with current configuration:Your total price for the current configuration before any discounts:
Configuration - Pleated blind special shape fs1 fs2

Total measurements (AxH):
Fabric name:
Product type: