Build your own black-out uni cassette blind BU19C (Uni) Build your own black-out uni cassette blind BU19C (Uni)
Step: 1> enter Dimensions
This cassette is intended for mounting directly on the window frame only. If you want to order a cassette that can be mounted inside a niche or on a wall: click here for cassette Absolute
Feel free to start by reading the description of this product before you order so that you understand how it is designed and what degree of blackout you can expect.
NOTE! Important !! > If you can not accept that some light leakage can occur along the edges of the fabric where the fabric meets the side rail, choose another product instead.
To order a UNI type cassette, enter the glass strip width (X) at the widest point facing the room. Total width "A" for cassette will be: Type 1/2 (X + 30 mm) Type 3/4 (X + 54 mm)
As the height, enter the dimensions of the glass pane without deduction. Order a little more height if you have space on the window frame and want to achieve better blackout.
Note that cassette solutions that you order in this configurator are intended to be mounted on the outside of a window frame. If you want a solution that can be mounted directly on a wall or within a niche, you should choose cassette Absolute.
Fabric Selector
Observera att egenskaper för tyg som presenteras nedan omfattar själva dukens egenskaper, det betyder t.ex att : "100% mörkläggande" betyder: att själva duken inte släpper igenom något ljus alls men det betyder inte att den färdiga produkten i sig garanterar 100% mörkläggning.
Product types
Number of wanted cassette uni roller blinds black-out with current configuration:Your total price for the current configuration before any discounts:
Configuration - Cassette uni roller blind black-out

Total measurements (AxH):
Glass trim width (X, in millimetres):
Approximate fabric width (B):
Fabric name:
Product type: